How to lose weight in a week

lose weight in a week

Unfortunately, over the past decades, a fair number of overweight people have emerged. But we all dream of having ideal body proportions, so they try to go through various types of diets to lose weight quickly. Often, people with a lot of extra pounds wonder how they can lose weight in a week, freeing themselves from the extra pounds. In such cases, experts warn that within a week (depending on the initial body weight) you can lose 2-5 kg and not more.

How to lose weight in a week, nutritionist advice

Nutritionists have developed a special program that allows you to give a clear answer to the question of many people interested in how to lose weight in a week without harming your health. .

  • First of all, it is necessary to radically change the diet. To do this, you need to create a separate notebook to record the weekly menu. It must be remembered that in order to lose weight in a week, you need to significantly reduce the amount of food consumed. For accurate determination, it is necessary to make sure that at one point the food fits in the palm of your hand. Eat such "palms" every day, no more than 6 times.
  • The next important factor in losing weight in a week is the principle of giving up a substantial amount of product. First of all, it must be ruled out that eating too much salt (while table salt must be removed forever). It is recommended to replace ordinary salt with sea salt (no more than 3 g / day). However, all foods that contain large amounts of sugar, and the sugar itself, must be eliminated from the diet.

To lose weight quickly in a week and achieve good results, you must adhere to a number of rules.

  • In the morning, you can drink 250 ml of water with lemon (green or white tea, etc. ) and after 30 minutes. you can eat any porridge (preferably steam cooked).
  • The next meal is best held 2-3 hours after the first breakfast. In this diet, foods that contain natural proteins (for example, eggs) should be included.
  • Lunch should not be earlier than 2-3 hours after the second breakfast. It should be divided into two meals. At first, it is better to eat liquid food (soups, smoothies), and after a few hours - solid food containing animal proteins.
  • Fruit can be eaten between lunch and dinner.
  • It's also a good idea to divide dinner into two portions. Before 19: 00, it is necessary to introduce into the diet foods containing omega acids and saturated fats (for example, seafood).
  • In about 30-40 minutes. Before going to bed, you can eat some low-fat fermented dairy products (for example, natural yogurt).

It must be remembered that during weight loss, all dishes are best cooked by steaming or baking.

How to lose 10-15 kg in 2 weeks

To get rid of the obnoxious 10-15 kg once and for all, you can apply the advice of experts on how to lose more than 10 kg in 2 weeks. To do this, nutritionists advise against following these tips:

For the first 7 days, stick to a diet designed to lose weight for a week, and in the second week, load up on intense physical activity (jumping rope, running in place, swimming). swim).

In terms of nutrition, vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini) can be added to the daily diet. Furthermore, these products can be used both baked and raw (juices, salads, smoothies). Such vegetables help provide a full range of nutrients needed by the body, reduce hunger, and contain a minimal amount of calories.

One of the most important rules for fast weight loss is proper rest. Not only resting at night (passive), but also resting during the day (active) is important. Hiking outside the city, outdoor games - will help you lose weight quickly and effectively in a minimum amount of time.